Quality Assurance

Integrated quality and information security policy

Cobra Control Ltd has been operating since 1993, specialising in test engineering and automation. Our fields of activity are Engineering and Distributions. The Engineering Services area deals with the design and manufacture of in-house developed test equipment and target machines. The Distributions area markets and provides additional services for products from our partner companies. The focus of our activities is Hungary and the surrounding region, but our systems have also been delivered to remote locations around the world. Our strategic goal is to provide our customers with a reliable, demanding and secure background for the sale and development of our systems and products, both from a professional and business point of view. The vast majority of our customers come from the following sectors of the economy: automotive, electronics, machinery and instrumentation.

Engineering Services is mainly involved in the construction of custom test equipment, target machines, contacting units and production lines. We also undertake complex and demanding tasks from a professional point of view. Our expertise includes high current and high voltage instrumentation, vibration testing, complex optical controls and automotive communications. Our experts are also prepared to solve specific, specialised hardware and software development tasks.

Distributions is engaged in the distribution of test hardware and software products, test equipment. We also offer a wide range of services for the products distributed, including turnkey project management, calibration, service and training.

Our objectives:

  1. Continuous improvement of the quality, reliability, business continuity and information security of the services provided by Cobra Control Ltd., and increase customer satisfaction.
  2. We work with our clients to build multi-faceted relationships, adapted to their specificities, spanning both our areas of activity.
  3. To act as a local strategic partner for regional manufacturing and development centres of automotive and electronics companies, enabling them to replace foreign suppliers in the field of test engineering and automation. This gives our customers greater flexibility, cost savings, better quality and helps them to increase their own competence levels and long-term job retention.
  4. The systems we develop and build meet or exceed the technical and information security standards and expectations of our partners internationally.
  5. By maintaining and continuously improving our business continuity system, we continue to increase our resilience and reliability by ensuring the operation of our key processes, ensuring timely and accurate delivery of our customers’ orders and increasing the reliability and availability of our services in general.
  6. To meet the technical, organisational and information security requirements of customers, and to satisfy their quality and information security needs in a sustainable manner.
  7. Continuous monitoring and compliance with EU and Hungarian technical, quality, data protection, business continuity, information security and other legal standards.
  8. Commitment to maintain confidentiality of your own, partner’s or customer’s data and to comply with the maximum requirements in this regard.
  9. Failure to accept and appropriately manage risks that may breach confidentiality, integrity or availability criteria for our own, partner or customer data that we process in a way that could result in the confidentiality of the data being compromised, unintentionally unavailable or lost.
  10. Design, implementation, operation and continuous improvement of a complete, compliant, closed and risk-based information security.
  11. Continuous improvement of our integrated management system, including based on customer and other feedback.

In order to achieve these goals, we have implemented, operate and continuously improve an integrated management system in accordance with the standards MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015, MSZ EN ISO 27001:2023, MSZ EN ISO 22301:2020 and the TISAX requirements system. The integrated management system of Cobra Control Ltd. covers the entire operation of the company.

We are committed to enforcing our integrated quality management, business continuity and information security systems in our contracts with our partners. In our orders and requests for proposals, priority will be given to partners that meet our quality management, business continuity and information security objectives.

Our fundamental intention is to achieve and maintain the recognition/satisfaction of all stakeholders, but especially our customers, by complying with the law, adhering to the principles of the integrated policy, and continuously operating and improving our integrated management system.

Our management personally attaches the highest importance to the functioning of the integrated management system and expects and requires all its employees to be aware of and comply with the policy guidelines and regulations and to actively contribute to the achievement of its objectives.

Budapest, 2024.05.27.  György Mezősi Managing Director